Top Ram in Ram Compare
We have now supplied AHDB with four rams for the RamCOMPARE Project and had a tremendous success last November when the first set of results were announced at the Sheep Breeders Roundtable. Indeed, the top ram in the project so far, is the first ram we supplied to Ram Compare. He was used in our flock as a ram lamb and we hope to use some of his semen again this year. We were also pleased to hear that the 2nd highest rated ram in the project is one of the rams we have used in both the last two years through AI. Such a result is enormously satisfying and gives us the confidence that we are making the right decisions for ourselves as breeders and within the wider industry.
Having these last couple of weeks finally collected and amalgamated a host of data recorded across our flock throughout the year, analysed independently by Signet, the figures show our rams have outstanding performance figures. You’ll see again this year, we have highlighted the rams which are in the top 5% of their breed, with a green background. Results from CT scanning, ultrasound back fat scanning, 8-week weighing, and recording data at lambing gives us huge confidence in the high-quality rams we offer for sale. We’ve always maintained our business is dependent on the success of yours and this year is no exception, we know how vital it is to turn a ram cost into a ram profit and hope that you too can invest and improve the productivity and more importantly the profitability of your flock.